Attunement of the Nervous System from Birth


✨When we are in the womb we hear sounds of the fluids moving around us and the voices and vibrations of our caregivers, and we begin to attune to these sensations. 

✨At birth, when our eyes first open, we lock eyes with our primary caregiver, familiarise ourselves with their scent, interact with their nervous system and the electromagnetic field of their heart – all this serves to regulate us when we’re infants.

✨This process of attunement contributes to the formation of neural pathways that shape our development and responses to our environment, particularly our ability to feel safe, secure and our ability to regulate our fight or flight response.

 ✨When the caregiver is in an unregulated or disassociated state (through trauma, a difficult birth, drugs or medical interventions) this can also be transferred through the gaze, through scent, sounds of the voice, the nervous system and the heart’s magnetic field. Without the safety of being met by the regulated gaze of the caregiver, a sense of rejection, isolation or fearfulness may be experienced and if consistent, can become ingrained in the baby’s system as learned behaviour in the way they react in future situations and relationships. 

✨Likewise if the caregiver is unable to remove their gaze due to fearfulness or insecurities, it can become too intense for the child, and they may feel overwhelmed and need ‘cooling off’ time.

✨These disregulated neural pathways that are created early on can absolutely be transformed at any age – becoming aware of them is half the battle and then a gentle re-wiring and unravelling can begin to re-pave the way home to the self 🏡

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